Tax Consulting

Consulting Service
Consulting Service

Hurstville Accountant Pty Ltd is a registered tax agency which has many years of experience. We provide tax, company structure and trademark consulting. The charge rate of consulting is $55 for half an hour.


1: Tax Consulting

The director manager MS Linda graduated from University of Sydney Bachelor of Commerce – majoring in accounting and finance, she is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and has been working in tax accounting for many years, she has dealt with thousands of clients. She is a small business expert and would like help you create better strategies to increase your wealth.


2:Company Structure

Hurstville Accountant is a certified agent of Australia Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). We have helped more than hundreds of clients to establish their own company.

We are experts in explaining private Limited Liability Company structure and constitution. Hurstville Accountant is familiar with all of the following; company’s registered capital, capital transfer, shareholder loan, update of shareholder, withdrawal and so on, as well as all company rules and regulations. You can get all the answers of these questions about company’s at Hurstville Accountant.


3: Australian Trademark Consulting

Australian trademark provides protection for existing goods and services which has certain goodwill. The registration process is bit long, the classification is complicated, and listed products are numerous. Clients should provide us as much information as possible about their proposed trademark to help us define what you really want.

IP Australia has the right to cancel registered trademarks if it has not be used in a certain period of time.

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