Business Name

Business Name
A business name is a name under which you conduct a business. You must register a business name unless you trade under your own name. Or a company may choose to register a business name if it wants to carry on a business using its name without the legal terms, or if it wants to use a different name.


1: A business name is simply a name under which you conduct a business. You must register a business name in Australia, unless you trade under your own name. ABN Sole Traders have a choice whether or not use  their own names or register a Australian business name. If you just do contractor from limited suppliers, you don’t really need one. However, if you provide commercial service, a registered business name might help customers recognize what you do. It is good for your marketing


2: A private limited liability company has different cross-industry businesses and might need to have different business name to help customer better identify what they do.  For example: ABC Pty Ltd carries 3 types of business under the company of trading, print shop, and restaurants. So for better marketing and management purpose, they can have Pacific Trading Company, ABC Print Shop, and Good Kitchen under ABC Pty Ltd. All of those businesses are not entity. ABC Pty Ltd takes the legal responsibility for those departments. And they use the same ABN.


Hurstville Accountant help clients to check if business name available or not, further we can register your proposal business name for one year or three years.

Register your Business Name

    Register Business Name


    Applicant Information

    ABN Information



    ID upload

    Other Message


    I appoint Hurstville Accountant ASIC Agent (32858), Tax Agent (20931006) as my agent. The agent is authorized to complete my Application Form for business name registration and act on my behalf.
    To the best of my knowledge, all the information I provided to agent is true and correct.

      Register Company Business Name

      Proposal Business Name

      Company Information

      Director ID Upload



      I appoint Hurstville Accountant ASIC Agent (32858), Tax Agent (20931006) as my agent. The agent is authorized to complete my Application Form for business name registration and act on my behalf.
      To the best of my knowledge, all the information I provided to agent is true and correct.

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