Tax Accounting Service

Company Accounting
Most businesses in Australia are defined by the government as a small business: a business with annual turnover of less than $2 M. At Hurstville Accountant majority of our clients are small businesses. If your business turnover is between $75000 and $2 M, you have to lodge BAS quarterly and must register GST, PAYG and pay employee superannuation.
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Sole Trader Business
A sole trader business structure is a person trading as the individual legally responsible for all aspects of the business. This includes any debts and losses, which can’t be shared with others. Sole trader can employ people.

If your business turnover is greater than $75000, you have to register GST and lodge BAS quarterly.

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Individual Tax Return
Individual tax return means that all Australian TFN holders must lodge their tax return form after each financial year. This is because Australia uses a prepay tax system. You can receive a refund if you prepay too much, and thus you must also pay any extra if you prepay too little. There is a tax threshold of $18200,
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Rental Preperty
Majority of those in the high income group within Australia invest in rental properties as an solid method of investment. Because real estate has been on a stable increase throughout many years in Australia. Secondly Australian government has issued a special tax deduction policy for people who…
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Export Goods GST Refund
GST is a broad based tax of 10% on most goods, services and other items sold or consumed in Australia. When you export goods to overseas, there are no GST components included, so you can claim 10% GST back in most goods and services excluding basic food/water/raw material.

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Consulting Services
Hurstville Accountant Pty Ltd is a registered tax agency which has many years of experience. We provide tax, company structure and trademark consulting. The charge rate of consulting is $55 for half an hour.
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